Saturday, July 4, 2009

What if's

What if she kills herself? What if she kills her mom? What if she kills my mom? What if she goes off on a terrible rage again and goes further this time? She called the police on her. When she found out, she took off running. They found her and brought her back. I don't have the full story, only this. Why does she threaten to kill herself? What is going on inside her head?

What if I go home? She hates me already, so won't that make her hate me more? What if I can't handle all this stuff? Is it okay I'm done? But what about my mom, who is still there? What will happen to her?

Why isn't she being a mom? Why isn't she doing everything she can to help her? Does she not know what to do? I am so powerless in this situation. But, Daddy, you are strong and have all the power we need.

What if she dies? We don't have a good relationship. What will I do without my little sister, even though she hates me and I have no chance? What is going to be the outcome of all of this?

Father, you see me crying out for my family. Hear me and answer my cries. I'm desperate for a change.

What if my family were restored? What if relationships become changed and strengthened?

Please, hear me Dad. Our family is hanging in the balance.

I don't want to see these what if's become reality. Please, don't let that happen.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to be posting something on sifting soon that may encourage you in this. Keep an eye out for it.

    No matter what happens, trust in God's good and perfect will. He can use even the worst situations for His glory and for your good.
