Friday, July 3, 2009

Another analogy

So, because I am good at coming up with analogies, here is another one for another battle I face:

We all have bad habits. Why some of them aren't talked about, I don't know. But I wish they were. Like biting one's fingernails. It's a horrid habit. Many of us do it. In fact, most of us probably suffer from this habit. We are told from an early age not to do this, that it is bad. But, we like to do it. Some do it because of nerves, others do it out of boredom. Whatever the reason, we do it.

And no one talks about it. We're made to think that we are abnormal: that there is something wrong with us if we bite our nails. But, we're not, are we? I have been biting my nails ever since I can remember. I don't know why I didn't grow out of it, as many people do. I wish I did, though, because then I wouldn't feel so abnormal. I wouldn't have to face this battle every day.

I've often wondered what it would be like if I could stop biting my nails. I would be free of the habit, for one thing. I wouldn't feel like I have to be angry with myself each time I go a little while without biting them, only to fail and begin chewing. They were looking so good, until I felt an emotion that I didn't know how to soothe. Then, the biting started over once more, along with the angry feeling for failing. Sometimes, I even feel like a disappointment to those who are cheering me on.

And who knows when it will end? All I can do is hope I overcome it soon, or live with my secret analogy the rest of my life.

I wish I could write more on this subject. But, I don't know what to say, or how to say it. I can only hope that one day, someone will be brave enough to write about it.


  1. maybe that someone will be you...

    I believe in you Mindy. You will go far. You just have to understand that you're not perfect, that God doesn't expect you to be perfect (he only expects you to lay down all your troubles before Him and let Him deal with them), and that you're not alone.

  2. What's up Mindy? What are you having trouble with overcoming?
