Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Where's My Focus?

I've lost my focus; I'm losing my faith.

I feel like the disciples when they were out on the sea when the storm came. Their boat was rocked to and fro, nose diving into the waves and flying on top of them. Jesus was asleep. He was there, but asleep. They cried for him to save them. They thought they were going to die. When he got up, he rebuked the wind and raging waters. When he had calmed the storm, he asked them, "Where is your faith?"

They had their focus on the storm, not on who was with them. They had lost their focus on Him and had put it on the storm. They lost their faith that they would be saved, and feared they would die.

I feel like I am in the boat with them, crying out that I am going to drown. I have lost my focus, and in the process, my faith. My eyes are on the storms going on around me in my head and heart.

Or, what about Peter? I could be Peter, too. He had enough faith to ask Jesus that if it was him and not a ghost, to tell him to come out on the water. When Jesus commanded him to step out, he did. And for a minute, Peter walked on water.

But, we all know the rest of the story. When he lost his focus and began to focus on the waves instead of Jesus, he began to sink. He took his eyes off of Jesus and put them elsewhere.

But, in both cases, Jesus was there. He calmed the storm and the disciples lived. He reached out and caught Peter and he did not drown.

What's it going to take for me to get my focus back on Him? How did Peter and the disciples get their focus back on him? Were they able to?

Did they lose their faith when they lost their focus?

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