Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Created to Reflect - A Lesson from the Moon

Tonight as I was riding in the car to go into town, I was admiring the moon. It was a waxing crescent moon, and it was beautiful. It was cool, because I could still see the rest of the moon, though it was dark. My friend and I were talking about the moon and I mentioned how it was so cool that it reflected the sun. It dawned on me that the moon gets its light from the sun; it has no light of its own. Space.com says we see the moon because of reflected sunlight.

As I was talking about how the moon reflects the sun's light, it hit me: I was created to reflect the Son's light. Ephesians 5:8 says, "For once you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord". Just like the moon is dark without the light from the sun, I am dark without His light. I was created to reflect. When I don't reflect His light, I'm not fulfilling my purpose.

Think about what light does. It dispels darkness. It enables us to see. It brings life. It causes things to grow.
It enables us to see.
When you or I reflect His light, others can see Him. We were created to reflect. So, let His light reflect off of you to show the way for others.

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