Never have I been so thankful for those reflectors separating the two lanes of traffic on the road as I was tonight.
As I began my 30 minute drive home from Bible study tonight, I felt a bit nervous. It was exceptionally dark and rainy, and my headlights aren't the brightest in the shop. But, as I began driving, I focused on those yellow reflectors, allowing them to guide me as to where the road was taking me. My nervousness gave way to confidence. The headlights from oncoming vehicles didn't bother me much, either, because I could still see the light. And the light shines brightest in the dark.
That is, until I turned down a road that lacked those reflectors. Then I grew quite cautious as I slowly made my way down the dark road. Any headlights from oncoming vehicles momentarily blinded me, causing me another moment of blindness after they passed, as my eyes adjusted back to the darkness from the flash of bright light. It was scary. I was afraid of losing control in the moments I couldn't see where the road was going. How I longed for those reflectors!
As I drove, God revealed to me that when I'm following Him, the Light, my way is illuminated, and I can go confidently down the path He has lit for me. When I'm following Him, any blinding lights that come from the opposite direction don't bother me, because I can still see the Light.
But, when I'm not following Christ, I walk in darkness. In the dark, it's easy to lose my way; to lose control. And the blinding lights that come at me, they cause confusion and insecurity, because I can't see where I'm going. They, too, can cause me to lose control and to lose my way.
I know that those little reflectors aren't lights. They just reflect the light. I'm so thankful that Jesus reflects the Father, the true Light. Jesus is the Light of the world. And I'm going to follow the Light all the way home.