I was with some friends this weekend and they were talking about a father/daughter canoe trip that is coming up for their church. I felt some sadness as they were talking about it, but tried not to let it get to me.
A little bit later, I was having some reflection time and was thinking about how I wish I could go on a trip like this with my dad. After 18 years of no contact, I'm just now getting to know my earthly dad through writing letters and sending pictures. I'm sad that he missed out on so much and there were never any father/daughter events.
But, God was trying to point something out to me. I'm not sure if I've ever felt this before, but what He was trying to point out was so comforting. It was like I was just engulfed in peace and it felt so good.
He pointed out to me that He and I don't have to go on special father/daughter trips, although they would be nice. He is with me all the time as my Heavenly Father. He is my Papa God and I don't have to write Him a letter, call Him on the phone, or anything like that. All I have to do is whisper His name and He is right there. He is truly better than any earthly father could be.
So, while I may not get to do any special father/daughter things, my Dad is with me all the time. He never leaves me. I can take Him with me everywhere, and I do.
And, I really can do special things with Him. I can have dates with Him, go for walks, or do whatever because He is always with me. And one day, I will be with Him forever, with no separation to be dreaded. I am going to sit on His lap for all of eternity and talk to Him and enjoy His presence, like I do now.
The only difference is I will be able to feel Him then. We will dance together, swing together, laugh together, go puddle jumping, pour out the rain, and do all sorts of crazy things at my mansion together!!!! That's going to be the best Father/daughter event ever!!!!