What is it about this time in my life that makes the void of my dad more intense? I don't think, upon looking back, that at any other time the loss of a dad has impacted me more than it is now. I don't understand it. Do I have to understand it? I guess not: I mean, I'm not going to die if I don't know the answer/reason. But I want to know. Would it help me? Maybe, I don't know: I'm not a counselor.
Why is it so important to me now? Why is the emptiness screaming at me now when it was silent before? It just hurts. What's wrong with me? I just...(sigh).
I wish I knew how to still the longing: quiet the cry. It's a painful longing. I don't know if it can be filled. Some say it can, others say it can't, and will always remain empty.
I went to pray over my food tonight and just felt weary. I tried talking to Him about it, but I don't know what to say.
Humph... the writer has no words.
I realize that I can look to the wrong places to fill this void, but nothing is going to fill it completely or eternally.
Is there anything?